Migration and sources from outside of Finland

Updated 5.10.2023

– Kansallisarkisto Arkistojen Portti

– Digihakemisto

– Siirtolaisuusinstituutti on ainoa sekä muuttoliikkeiden tutkimukseen että dokumentoimiseen erikoistunut laitos Suomessa.

– Siirtolaisuusinstituutti

Sukututkimuksen ulkomaisia verkkolähteitä ja keskeisiä suomalaisten asutushistoriaan ja siirtolaisuuteen liittyviä aineistoja – Suomen Sukututkimusseura

– New Yorkin kautta Amerikkaan muuttaneet

– Norwegian Genealogical Association is the Norway’s oldest national association with a lot of free material, including databases, digital publications and older books.

– The Digital Archive is the gateway to the Norwegian digital collections and is operated by the National Archives of Norway. It contains censuses, church records, legal sources, tax records, change material and much more. In addition, the National Archives has a service for people to publish databases of transcribed material from sources.

– Wiki of Norwegian Genealogical Association for genealogists and it deals with genealogy, places and genealogy related expressions. It has become an important reference for genealogists in Norway. It currently contains over 2,000 articles.

– Slekt og Data, Norway’s largest organisation for genealogists, has published a large register of gravestones in Norway. Most of Norway’s cemeteries are registered and searchable in the database.

– Oluf Rygh wrote during his time a large work containing all farm names in Norway, with one volume per county.

– Danish National Archives

– In Arkivalieronline you will find all digitized documents from the Danish National Archives

– In the Danish Demographic Database you can search for information in different sources. You can search for individuals or families when you have some information. The work of adding more records to the databases is a constantly on-going work done primarily by volunteers

– Danish Family Search is a private site, maintained by Marianne ja Dan Nicolaysen, that collects a lot of useful information about genealogy in Denmark, both databases and links to other sources. The databases are largely based on the content of the Danish Demographic Database and the aim of the site is to make the content as accessible as possible

– In 2018, the association Danske Slægtsforskere was founded through the merger of DIS-Danmark and the Danish Genealogical Association (Sammenslutningen af Slægtshistoriske Foreninger). It is now Denmark’s largest individual genealogical association, with over 7,000 members. On the website of Danske Sgenetsforskeres you can get help with everything from a search and interpretation of manuscripts to technical problems with programs and internet searches. They also maintain the DIS-Danmark wiki for genealogists, which you can find here.

– 1700- ja 1800-luvuilla englannin kielisissä lähteissä käytettyä lääketieteellistä sanastoa

– Vanha lääketieteellinen sanasto – AccessGenealogy

– Free access to over 20,000 images of Registers produced by the Archbishops of York, 1225-1650, in addition to a growing searchable index of names, subjects, places and organisations.

– Findmypast

– These people are listed in the book as living in the following towns in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan in 1926.

– Karjalan tasavallan Kansallisarkisto on avannut merkittävän arkistokokonaisuuden. Palvelussa on selattavana asiakirjoja, valokuvia ja muita dokumentteja Neuvosto-Karjalaan mainittuina vuosikymmeninä saapuneisiin Amerikan ja Kanadan suomalaisiin liittyen. Lue lisää

– Wikipedia

– Arkistojen Portti

– Wikipedia

– Laaja sukututkimukseen liittyvä linkkisivusto – Cyndi Ingle
