Family history research that is individual and what you need
Family History updates
National Archives of Finland
The National Archives of Finland has announced that the Digitaaliarkisto will no longer be available after March 31, 2022 and all material has been moved to new Astia.
ASTIA – Access service of the National Archives
The access service allows you to browse digitised materials, order documents to the reading rooms or make information requests for single documents using the online form.
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Professional Genealogist
Heidi Kuosmanen
Family history is the love of my heart.
Helping other people gives me a lot of joy.

These are some of the testimonials I have received from my customers
"The result of this research was confusingly good. In advance I had not expected to wait so clear and wide - at least from my perspective.
It was so awesome to see the connection to ancestors, which some of them were born at the end of 17th century."
It was so awesome to see the connection to ancestors, which some of them were born at the end of 17th century."

"Thank you for guidance and good service for finding family information and helping to understand notations."

"Thank you for friendship and teachings in genealogy. You inspired me much in it! I got to know that I can still learn!
It is also about the teacher"
"About Heidi: Knows things and skillful, great discretion."
It is also about the teacher"
"About Heidi: Knows things and skillful, great discretion."
